Now-a-days in-health has become the leading cause of death in worldwide. It has become very hard to find the health conditions in the patients by the medical practitioner as it needs an experience and knowledge about the disease they are dealing with. The diseases can be affected in many parts of the patient’s body. They are many kinds of places in the human body where the different kinds of health problems is affected with; some are cancer, fever, skin problems, disabilities, infections, inner body diseases, outer body diseases, etc.,. In the era of rapid revolution of Internet of Things (IoT), the sensors for monitoring the patients is every way of feeling their each module of visibility of the things which the world is affected for it and their working of the medicine is created through this development of the Internet of Things for the healthcare centers in worldwide. This paper will be explaining about the architecture for the tool used to monitor the patient’s critical levels and algorithms used for monitoring the patient’s health and resolving the problems for the problems they are suffering for. I will be also explaining the other parameters used in the monitoring of things in which shows the activities of human health condition. The algorithm is also used to predict the next symptom of the disease and know it soon by the sensor which tells a sure about the symptom which the host is been affected with and will be seen and cured with help of the cloud data in which the whole information Is been stored about the disease and cure for it which is linked to the single cloud which the information is collected and resolving the problems the problems they have been suffering for it.
Pothumani, S., Davamani, K. A., Anuradha, C., & Priya, N. (2019). Mobile health monitoring system. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 919–922.
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