This paper presents a device that uses the evolving IoT technology to design and implement an internet-based energy meter. This meters, being cheap and easy-to-implement solution, enables consumers to monitor the daily usage of electric power easily. This work primarily concerns the energy-monitoring aspect of IoT, along with discussing other advantages of this meter, such as its ability to overcome human errors and reducing dependency on manual labor, besides reducing costs in energy consumption. The proposed design in case 1,and case2 which are comprises a low-cost wireless network for smart energy along with an android application capable of automatically reading the unit and then sending the data automatically provides great advantages to users by allowing them to keep a track of their meter reading. This system will help users by allowing them to not only take steps to reduce power wastage but also bring down costs of consumption, along with minimizing the threat of power theft, which is incurs great losses to power companies. Experimental results of this study show that the proposed IoT meter works efficiently and has proven its potential in practical applications at substantially reduced costs.
Obulesu*, Dakka., Kumar, K. S. V. P., & Kar, R. kumar. (2020). Design and Implementation of Cost-Effective IoT Energy Meter to Monitor Energy Flow in Smart Grids. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1584–1588.
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