Australian Perceptions of Warnings on Cigarette Sticks

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Novel warnings on individual cigarettes represent a potentially effective means for reducing tobacco use. This study evaluated perceptions of Australians towards health warnings on cigarettes. Participants rated and commented on their perceived effectiveness of current cigarette packaging warnings, and 12 text warnings (divided into four themes) on cigarette sticks in preventing non-smokers from smoking, and prompting current smokers to quit. Quantitative data were analysed using proportional odds logistic regression, and qualitative data using conceptual content analysis. From 637 participants, three themes were rated as more effective than current cigarette packaging warnings: mortality statistics, health condition consequences, and social and financial consequences of smoking. Packaging warnings were perceived as less effective due to desensitisation and smoker self-exemption. Stick warnings were considered more novel and engaging, especially the financial costs of smoking. Novel warnings on cigarettes that describe a broader range of consequences of smoking may be effective in combatting tobacco use.




Drovandi, A., Glass, B. D., & Malau-Aduli, B. S. (2023). Australian Perceptions of Warnings on Cigarette Sticks. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(1), 432–450.

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