Numerical simulation and dynamical response of a moored hydrokinetic turbine operating in the wake of an upstream turbine for control design

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Numerical simulation of a downstream hydrokinetic turbine operating in the wake of an upstream turbine for feedback control design is presented. Wake effects from an upstream turbine are quantified in terms of wake velocity and amplified turbulence levels. These effects are integrated in an in-stream hydrokinetic turbine numerical simulation that utilizes a Blade Element Momentum approach with a dynamic wake inflow model. Simulations are carried out on a fixed turbine model to simulate operation in river or tidal channels with conventional foundations, as well as on a compliantly moored turbine model such as those designed to operate in open ocean currents.




Pyakurel, P., VanZwieten, J. H., Sultan, C., Dhanak, M., & Xiros, N. I. (2017). Numerical simulation and dynamical response of a moored hydrokinetic turbine operating in the wake of an upstream turbine for control design. Renewable Energy, 114, 1134–1145.

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