AbstractThe elderly population in increasing rapidly. The elderly will experience seversl chnge both physically, physiologically, cognitively, and mentally. Family plays in important role in providing care. Elderly care must be done carefully, patiently, and lovingly. The task can cause stress to the caregiver, which in influenced by busy work factors, changes in behavior due to the childish nature and behavior of the elderly. This study aims to describe the stress level of caregivers who care for the elderly. This study uses a liteartue review design using the PEO (Population, Exprosure, Outcome) method and uses 5 articles from a darabase with electronic searches on pubmed, google scolar dan published in 2016-2021. The results of the analysis of five articles show that the data on the characteristics of te respondents are mostly female (72.83%), the age range of respondents 36-45 years is the most dominant with a persentage of (34.25%), the education of the most respondent is SMA/SMK (46.88%), the majority of respondents work (74.37%), the work stress level of the caregiver who takes care of the elderly is in the category of mild stress with a result of 117 people (46.06%). Elderly dependenvy often appears and caregivers often experince stress. Families and the elderly need to maximize their participantion in providing support to reduce stress.Keywords: elderly caregivers; informal caregiver; stress level AbstrakPopulasi lansia mengalami peningkatan yang pesat. Lansia akan mengalami beberapa perubahan baik secara fisik, fisiologis, kognitif, dan mental. Keluarga berperan penting dalam memberikan perawatan. Perawatan lansia harus dilakukan dengan teliti, sabar, dan penuh cinta. Tugas tersebut dapat menimbulkan stres pada caregiver, yang dipengaruhi faktor kesibukan bekerja, perubahan tingkah laku karena sifat dan tingkah laku lansia yang kekanak-kanakkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat stres caregiver yang merawat lansia. Penelitian ini Menggunakan desain literature review dengan menggunakan metode PEO (Population, Exprosure, Outcome) dan menggunakan 5 artikel dari database dengan penelusuran elekrtonik pada Pubmed dan Google Scholar yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 2016-2021. Hasil analisis lima artikel menunjukkan bahwa data karakteristik responden terbanyak berjenis kelamin perempuan (72.83%), rentang usia responden 36-45 tahun paling dominan dengan persentase (34.25%), pendidikan responden terbanyak yaitu SMA/SMK (46.88%), mayoritas responden bekerja (74.37%), tingkat stres caregiver yang merawat lansia tergolong dalam kategori stres ringan dengan hasil 117 orang (46.06%). Ketergantungan lansia sering muncul dan caregiver sering mengalami stres. Keluarga dan lansia perlu memaksimalkan peran serta memberikan dukungan guna mengurangi stres.Kata kunci: Caregiver lansia; caregiver informal; tingkat stres
Muttakhidlah, U., & Aryati, D. P. (2021). Gambaran Tingkat Stres Caregiver yang Merawat Lansia : Literature Review. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kesehatan, 1, 865–871. https://doi.org/10.48144/prosiding.v1i.764
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