The rapid development of industrial field giving a huge impact to the society or even in organizations however total number of accident is currently increase due to the lack awareness about the important of safety and health issue. This study focusing on safety and health issue and safety improvement at Palm Oil Mill at East Malaysia. The mill is produce two products which are crude oil and kernels. In order to identify the hazards in this mill, several methods had been used such as questionnaires distribution, interview session, observations, safety audit and body discomfort survey. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Analysis (HIRARC) model were used in this study. The data collected and recorded for the risk and ergonomic assessments. Risk and ergonomic assessment is conducted after the hazards being identified in all 6 stations of Palm Oil Mill with total 33 activities were analyzed. Quantitative risk assessment was used by considering the likelihood and severity of the hazards. The values of risk were determined based on the table of likelihood and severity. All the hazards identified is sort into station and level of risk. The hazards with high value of risk is considered as the problem identification. Comprehensive discussion and analysis were done on the top three (3) high risk activities. The ergonomic assessments which are Rapid entire body assessment and body discomfort survey were used as a tools to support finding. HIRARC model has successful being used to analyze the hazard and risk exposure on the palm oil mill and action need to be taken on the high risk activities to prevent from an accident.
Ngadiman, N. H. A. … Ma’aram, A. (2019). Safety and Risk Evaluation using HIRARC Model at Palm Oil Mill. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 790–796.
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