Branded Cosmetic Usage Amongst Women in Ernakulam, Kerala

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In this era of glamour and style women adopt the new trends and brands by making film stars as their role models. They think that the only way to achieve that beauty is by applying the cosmetics being endorsed by celebrities. Nowadays media has created an impression that if a woman becomes fair it can pave way to acquire her dreams. Women tend to use the same brand even after the arrival of new products. The taste and preference for their brand does not make any change as they know that the brand assure them the same comfort and satisfaction. It is the marketing strategies used by companies that makes a brand unique and frontrunner even when there is a vast range of product available in the market .This study is being conducted to understand the most preferred brand among women’s in Ernakulam District and the companies marketing strategies that creates brand loyalty among them.




R*, D., Jose, D. J., & R, P. (2020). Branded Cosmetic Usage Amongst Women in Ernakulam, Kerala. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 1477–1480.

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