Introduction: In Peru, people living with diabetes mellitus (PLDM) represent 7% of the adult population, each with a $54,000 lifetime cost. For Latinos, spirituality provides meaning and purpose of life while social support affects behavioral choices and adherence decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spirituality and social support for PLDM participating in a nurse-led diabetes management program in a public hospital in Lima, Peru. Method: This cross-sectional study included adult PLDM (N = 54). The instrument included demographic items and the Spanish versions of the social/vocational concern dimension of the Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Reed’s scale of spiritual perspective. Results: There was an inverse relation between social support and spiritually practices (p =.020) and spiritual beliefs (p =.005). PLDM with 5 years or more in the program had significantly higher scores in social support (p =.020) and spiritual practices (p =.010). Conclusion: Spirituality and social support are important factors for managing PLDM. Nurse-led diabetes management programs with Latino participants should consider targeted spiritual and social support strategies to expand the holistic management. Future studies should explore the impact and effectiveness of spiritual and social support interventions on clinical outcomes.
Krederdt-Araujo, S. L., Dominguez-Cancino, K. A., Jiménez-Cordova, R., Paz-Villanueva, M. Y., Fernandez, J. M., Leyva-Moral, J. M., & Palmieri, P. A. (2019). Spirituality, Social Support, and Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study of People Enrolled in a Nurse-Led Diabetes Management Program in Peru. Hispanic Health Care International, 17(4), 162–171.
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