A two level VSI has output voltage either equal to positive or negative source voltage. This inverter has more ripple. In order to reduce the ripple content more number of switches are needed to produce many number of stepped voltage waveform. This improves the quality of power. This switching losses depends on the frequency of operation so when a two level inverter is operated at high frequency, the switching losses are predominant. This limits the use of such inverters. Hence, being replaced by Multilevel inverters. They have attracted academician and industry personal for medium and high-power power control. Such attractive features are available in hybrid multilevel inverter. Hence, these are preferred. They provide multi-level operation by using hybrid sources. Moreover, the number of power electronics components needed are less than conventional CMI for same voltage level. Thus, such inverters have more efficiency. In the proposed techniques, an asymmetrical hybrid multilevel inverter has been simulated using MATLAB Simulink. The results obtained have been presented for three different types of load.
Sharma, A., & Pandey, V. (2019). PWM technique for single phase asymmetrical hybrid multilevel inverter for non-linear and dynamic loads. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7713–7716. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C6280.098319
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