Penyebaran informasi mengenai bahaya dari wabah covid-19 perlu diajarkan kepada masyarakat agar bersama-sama saling mencegah penyebarannya. Dengan memanfaatkan media smartphone yang kini telah berkembang dan telah banyak dipakai oleh masyarakat dapat membantu untuk lebih mudah menyebarkan informasi tentang bahaya covid-19. Hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya jumlah kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyebaran covid-19 sehingga perlu diperhatikan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, khususnya pada anak usia dini tentang potensi bahaya kematian akibat covid-19 karena pada anak usia dini paling rentan menjadi korban. Namun pada anak yang masih usia dini tentunya belum terlalu memperhatikan tentang potensi dari wabah covid-19 karena pada anak usia dini lebih cenderung untuk bermain. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia dini mengenai dampak penyebaran covid-19 dan pencegahannya, akan memanfaatkan kecenderungannya yaitu dengan menerapkan game edukasi agar tetap dapat belajar sambil bermain. Sebelum penerapan game dilakukan, terlebih dahulu dilakukan pembuatan game tentang bahaya dari covid-19. Game ini diberi nama Covid Shooter yang menceritakan petualangan dokter spesialis virus dengan misi membasmi covid-19. Perancangan game dilakukan menggunakan metode Game Development Life Cycle kemudian diimplementasikan menggunakan software GDevelop. Pengujian fungsionalitas dilakukan menggunakan black box, dan pada pengujian beta dilakukan menggunakan Usability Testing. Hasil pengujian diperoleh nilai sebanyak 88,91% dengan kategori sangat puas. Hasil perolehan nilai tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa anak usia dini merasa sangat puas dengan bermain game Covid Shooter karena dapat dipakai sebagai media hiburan sekaligus sebagai media edukasi mengenai bahaya covid-19 dan pencegahannya.Abstract Dissemination of information about the dangers of the Covid-19 outbreak need to be taught to the community so that together we prevent the spread of it. By utilizing the smartphone media which has now developed and has been widely used by the public can help to more easily spread information about the dangers of covid-19. This is due to the much of deaths caused by the spread of Covid-19 so it is necessary to pay attention to providing education to the public, especially in early childhood about the potential danger of death due to covid-19 because at an early age children are the most vulnerable to become victims. However, children who are still at an early age certainly have not paid too much attention to the potential of the Covid-19 outbreak because at an early age children are more likely to play. To increase early childhood knowledge about the impact of the spread of COVID-19 and its prevention, we will take advantage of the trend by implementing educational games so that they can learn while playing. Before the application of the game is carried out, first a game is made about the dangers of covid-19. This game name is Covid Shooter which tells the adventures of a virus specialist doctor with a mission to eradicate covid-19. Game design is done using Game Development Life Cycle method and then implemented using GDevelop software. Perancangan Game menggunakan metode Game Development Life Cycle kemudian diimplementasikan menggunakan software GDevelop. Functionality testing is using black box testing, and beta testing is using Usability Testing. The test results obtained a value of 88,91% with a very satisfied category. The results of these scores conclude that early childhood is very satisfied with playing the Covid Shooter game because it can be used as an entertainment medium as well as an educational medium about the dangers of covid-19 and methods of prevention.
Putra, R. A. Y., Putri, U. S., Permadi, G. S., & Dermawan, D. A. (2023). Penerapan Covid Shooter Berbasis Android sebagai Game Edukasi Pencegahan Covid-19 pada Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer, 10(2), 281–290.
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