Spatial Information System Architecture for the Geographic Information System

  • et al.
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Geographic Information System (GIS) combines software, hardware and data for the catching, handling, analyzing and displaying the different types of geographic information. This information can be in the form of digital maps, images taken by the satellite, aerial pictures, data captured through Global Positioning System (GPS), etc. Satellite imagery or Aircrafts specifically unmanned aircraft systems are used to capture images or geographical information. GIS has been greatly in use in various fields such as in Street Network, Land Information System, Facilities Management, Environment and Natural Resources Management, Planning and Engineering field, etc. GIS is the foundation of the various types of location enabled services. GIS system provides accurate maps or the pictures data captured with the help of various tools and techniques for the analysis of particular situation. In this paper, we are going to study the different aspects of the geographic information system such as land management, roof top analysis, traffic analysis, demographic analysis, watershed analysis, etc. Later we have compared LiDAR, satellite input processed with different feature extracted techniques with our proposed hybrid CNN approach. The result achieved is promising as compared with others




Gotekar*, Mr. R. K., Shaw, Dr. K., & Rout, Dr. M. (2020). Spatial Information System Architecture for the Geographic Information System. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 2769–2776.

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