Jurnal Tanah dan Lingkungan (nama barn dari Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan), dengan ISSN 1410-7333 diterbitkan dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober oleh Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan . . Sumberdaya Laban (nama barn dari Departemen Tanah), Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Jurnal Tanah dan Lingkungan menyajikan artikel mengenai hasil penelitian dan ulasan tentang perkembangan mutakhir dalam bidang ilmu tanah, air, dan ilmu lingkungan sebagai bahan kajian utama. Setiap naskah yang dikirim ke Jurnal Tanah dan Lingkungan, akan ditelaah oleh penelaah (reviewer) yang sesuai dengan bidangnya. Nama penelaah dicantumkan pada terbitan No.2 dari setiap volume. Harga LanggananiSubscription Rate: PribadilPersonal Rp 40 000 per tahun (yearly) Institusillnstitution Rp 60 000 per tahun (yearly) Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim (Excluding postage) Gambar sampul (cover photograph): Kanal dari lahan gambut ekosistem Berbak tanpa pengatur tinggi muka air menyebabkan terjadinya overdrain lahan gambut (Main rain in Berbak landscape without proper water level control causing over drain ofsorounding peatlands) (Suria Darma Tarigan) ABSTRACT The Indonesian government-particularly National Land Agency---currently release program named Agrarian Reform Plus. The agrarian reform execution considered some factors, including land quality, land availability, market access, and others. One of agrarian plus programs is land redistribution. To speed up land redistribution program, spatial information technology can be utilized due to time efficiency in handling coverage areas. This research aims to test important variables to identifY available land for allocation supporting agrarian reform program. The research was conducted in Riau and West Java province. Spatial database was first developed then followed by designing land availability from land status, physical suitability, occupation status, and land cover. By employing multi-criteria evaluation in GIS then available land was determined The research showed application of different combination of variables generated different land acreages. Acreages of available land on West Java and Riau showed different minimum requirement for standard of living. the difference on standard of living, price structures and land fertility implied to difference on minimum acreage to support farmers' living. The farmers of West Java required less land to support their standard of living than farmers in Riau. The available land of Riau distributed in all kabupatenslkota, while in West Java there were some kabupatens lack of available land for agrarian reform, for instances in Bekasi, Cirebon, Indramayu and Depok.
Barus, B., Panuju, D. R., & Shiddiq, D. (2011). IDENTIFIKASI LAHAN TERSEDIA DENGAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SPASIAL UNTUK MENDUKUNG REFORMA AGRARIA: STUDI KASUS PROVINSI RIAU DAN JAWA BARAT. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah Dan Lingkungan, 13(1), 25. https://doi.org/10.29244/jitl.13.1.25-34
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