Fuzzy Positive Implicative and Fuzzy Associative WI-Ideals of Lattice Wajsberg Algebras

  • Begum* C
  • et al.
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We introduce the definitions of fuzzy positive implicative WI-ideal and fuzzy associative WI-ideal of lattice Wajsberg algebra. Further, we prove every fuzzy positive implicative WI-ideal of lattice Wajsberg algebra is a fuzzy WI-ideal. Also, we discuss the relationship between fuzzy positive implicative WI-ideal and level subsets. Moreover, we give the relationship of fuzzy associative WI-ideal with fuzzy WI-ideal in lattice Wajsberg algebra. Finally, we study some characterizations of fuzzy associative WI-ideal.




Begum*, C. S., & Ibrahim, A. (2019). Fuzzy Positive Implicative and Fuzzy Associative WI-Ideals of Lattice Wajsberg Algebras. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 689–693. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.c6476.118419

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