A Future Solution for Block chain Based Distributed Electronic Health Record Data with Confidentiality and Security using Blake2b

  • Kumar* M
  • et al.
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A blockchain is a shared, public register, storing business transactions and outlining assets, and of which immutable in nature. Globally Electronic Health Record (EHR) market is swiftly rising. Due to this swift growth of the EHR market worth is predictable to be $50 billion in 2025. Blockchain will revolutionize in the medical field, to store medical historical records in a tamper proof, secure, and more reliable in the effective diagnosis and treatment in the real-time medical data. Health care data it can be twisted copied and modified faster than ever before and if the data is the critical thing behind more efficient care block chain may be the medium to get us there, currently the medical organizations are being ruined because of poor data integration. Our project consists of Drug description, Data Security, Huge Data, cloud. Once the data is entered the data goes to the block and links to the chain. We are using blake2b, because blake2b is much faster and has less rounds compared with the blake. Blake2b is about 30 percent faster than the blake. The data is finally transferred to the Json file to compact and easy to transfer in nature. We similarly converse the privileges of blockchain, along with the tests tackled and future viewpoints. Execution measurements in blockchain systems, for example, latency, throughput, Round Trip Time (RTT), has been advanced for achieving upgraded results. Contrasted with customary EHR frameworks, which use customer server design, the proposed framework utilizes blockchain for improving proficiency and security.




Kumar*, M. V. R., & Rao, Dr. D. R. (2020). A Future Solution for Block chain Based Distributed Electronic Health Record Data with Confidentiality and Security using Blake2b. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 3092–3096. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.f8033.038620

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