New Mendeley Update: OpenURL support, improved article pages, and easier citation entry for Open Office and Mac

Today brings a major new update for Mendeley Web as well as a new Development Preview of Mendeley Desktop. Here’s a short list of some of the improvements:

New Features

  • OpenURL support – You can now tell Mendeley which library you’re a member of and get access to papers available through the library. This feature is still experimental, so let us know how it works for you.
  • There’s a new interface and keyboard shortcuts to make inserting citations in Microsoft Word for Mac much easier.
  • There’s a new interface for inserting citations in
  • We’ve also added annotation reports. When viewing a PDF, go to File → Export PDF With Annotations. Highlights will be added to the PDF and notes appended to the end of the file. This feature is still under development, so please let us know what sort of issues you encounter.
  • For those of you who have connected your accounts to Twitter, you can now choose to have your public updates tweeted.

Improvements to Existing Features

  • Catalog pages for a paper now list what groups contain the paper.
  • Abstracts and DOIs are now imported from RIS files.
  • If you’re importing EndNote XML documents generated by RefMan, we now get file attachments.

The full list of desktop improvements is available in the release notes.

4 thoughts on “New Mendeley Update: OpenURL support, improved article pages, and easier citation entry for Open Office and Mac

  1. We’ve implemented some duplicate detection on the server side and we’re continually improving this. I’ll post another update when we do.

  2. OpenURL support is great, but it should be provided for each element of the library, not only for the “research papers” interface. And will it be integrated in the Desktop as well? I hope so! 🙂

  3. I am having difficulty adding citations with the word plug in since I downloaded the new version of desktop – is this normal? do I need to update the plug in to?

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