Mendeley Advisor Community

Join the global network of Mendeley Advisors! Our Advisors range from students to professors around the world, in nearly every discipline.

Become an Advisor

Who are Mendeley Advisors?

Advisors are our biggest fans and our ambassadors. They are enthusiastic, experienced users of Mendeley, and use their expertise and passion to promote good reference management skills by hosting introductory sessions, trainings, and facilitating one-on-one outreach.

What are the responsibilities of an Advisor?

Most Advisors offer Mendeley training in their local setting or institution, sharing Mendeley’s features with colleagues or students. Advisors can run as many events as they want. We provide Mendeley-branded teaching materials and guides, but also encourage Advisors to be as creative as they like in sharing Mendeley know-how. Advisors are also known to partner with other Advisors in their area to create a local network!
Active Advisors are expected to maintain their knowledge of how to use Mendeley and stay up-to-date on Mendeley developments. This is achievable by becoming familiar with new product developments, engaging in our LinkedIn group, and reviewing the Mendeley Guides and Support Hub.

What are the perks of being an Advisor?

Mendeley Advisors enjoy many benefits including a certificate of recognition, LinkedIn badge, access to our Advisor-only LinkedIn group, early exposure to new Mendeley features, and invitations to interact with, and provide feedback to, our product developers.

Dora Dayu Rahma Turista

I always explain the advantages of Mendeley. I make a tutorial equipped with step-by-step images, then I put it into practice. Mendeley is a magic tool for a researcher, not only as a reference manager tool, but also as social media for researchers. -  Dora Dayu Rahma Turista, Biology Lecturer

Dr. Yahaya Gavamukulya

Once I perfected [Mendeley] and became experienced in all the features, I decided to enroll as an Advisor in order to help train and enroll as many people as possible in order for them not to go through what I used to go through prior to discovering Mendeley. I have so far recruited, enrolled, and trained more than 1,700 Mendeley users globally. –  Dr. Yahaya Gavamukulya, Ph.D.

Teaching materials

Mendeley Presentation

An editable, in-depth Mendeley presentation for teaching events

Download (PowerPoint 11.3 MB)

Quick Reference Guide

A short overview of key features in Mendeley and how to use them

Download (PDF 2.37 MB)

Advisor lesson plan

A helpful guide to running your in-person and virtual Mendeley event

Download (PDF 442 KB)

Advisor resources

William Hoyos

I love to teach. I like to share my knowledge with others. I am always willing to share new tools that make the research process easier for my co-workers. I am commonly demonstrating new features released by Mendeley. -  William Hoyos, Ph.D. student

Merceline Obwaya

When I joined Kenyatta University, I realized most of the users I served had issues with citation and referencing. I took the challenge to learn more about Mendeley, so that I can help them. -  Merceline Obwaya, Library Assistant

Advisor Registration