Similarities in addressing the complex nature of love and devotion in methamorphosis by Kafka and in ghazals of Mir Alisher Navoiy

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The great European novelist and short-story writer, Franz Kafka, and one of the most famous eastern poets of Middle ages, Alisher Navoiy, at first blush seem to have absolutely nothing in common. But a detailed analysis of two distinguished works of the writers, reveals their surprisingly similar views in regard to interpretation of love and devotion concepts. Step-by-step comparison of one of the Mir Alisher Navoiy’s ghazals with The Metamorphosis of Kafka allows to correlate the messages of each masterpiece, and thus define the similarities in personal traits of each author.




Kadirova, N. A. (2019). Similarities in addressing the complex nature of love and devotion in methamorphosis by Kafka and in ghazals of Mir Alisher Navoiy. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1542–1545.

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