Beauveria bassiana is the most widely used biocontrol agent against many major arthropod pests. This ascomycetal fungus is able to produce infection structures and synthesize a cocktail of proteins, enzymes, organic acids, and bioactive secondary metabolites, which are responsible for the entomopathogenic activity and virulence. For commercial purposes, B. bassiana is usually formulated using conidia with different stabilizing agents. Various types of formulation include bait/solid, encapsulation, and emulsion. Commercialization and marketing strategies, including alternative marketing channels, such as earthworm compost and compost, along with the legal framework are addressed in this chapter.
García-Estrada, C., Cat, E., & Santamarta, I. (2016). Beauveria bassiana as biocontrol agent: Formulation and commercialization for pest management. In Agriculturally Important Microorganisms: Commercialization and Regulatory Requirements in Asia (pp. 81–96). Springer Singapore.
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