Silicoflagellates are described from Sites 588 (middle Eocene), 591 (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene), and 594 (middle Miocene to Quaternary) in the southwest Pacific. At Sites 591 and 594 a detailed silicoflagellate zonation is possible. Comparison between the sequences recovered at Sites 591 and 206 (Leg 21) revealed two hiatuses in the latter, but helped to establish a zonation for this area from the lower Miocene to the Pleistocene and a correlation to standard nannoplankton zones. The stratigraphic implications of the taxonomy used by various authors and the species concept presented here are discussed in detail. Special reference is made to types described by Ehrenberg and to later synonyma, because the Ehrenberg collection is the base for all subsequent descriptions and evaluations of silicoflagellate taxa. Two new genera, two new subspecies, and three new forms are described from the southwest Pacific Neogene and Pleistocene. Associated sponge spicules were noted and will be described in detail later. -from Authors
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Locker, S., & Martini, E. (1986). Silicoflagellates and some sponge spicules from the southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 90. Initial Reports DSDP, Leg 90, Noumea, New Caledonia to Wellington, New Zealand. Part 2, 887–924.