The following contribute presents an experience of the photo-modeling of stone decorative systems, conducted as part of a restoration site in progress, with the purpose of documenting the conditions of the site as it was before the intervention of restorers. Within the Ospedale dello Spirito Santo, built on the basis of Gian Giacomo degli Acaya’s design, the annexed church has been repeatedly whitened with limewash for hygienic reasons, so the seventeenth decorative system, attributed to Zimbalo, has been covered. The survey performed with newer techniques of Structure from Motion gives back an orthographic scale representation of decorative system and supplements the traditional photographic documentation with an always available tridimensional model. The new tools available offer new perspective to the classical photogrammetry, furthermore the semi-automatic processes and the low costs open new sceneries that are now object of a renewed interest.
Cacudi, G., & Rossi, G. (2018). Photo-modeling for the documentation of the restoration site. The church of the complex of the ospedale dello spirito santo in lecce. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 3, 449–457.
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