Details of the analytic hierarchy process technique for the evaluation of health insurance companies

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One of the most important features to be considered by health service providers when developing and promoting their products (or services) is the consumers' perception of their products' (services') attributes. The purpose of this study is to define the hierarchy for the attributes of services developed by major health plan operators in the city of Curitiba (PR) as perceived their consumers. The classical analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique, a multicriteria tool for decision analysis and planning, was used to analyze seven companies and six attributes of each of them. The results show that the most meaningful attribute for health service consumers is the "price" and that companies can be separated into the following groups: HP1 and HP2 (Health Plans 1 and 2, with approximately 23% and 19% of consumers preferring each one) and HP3, HP4, HP5, HP6 and HP7 (with approximately 10% of consumers preferring each). Based on the results for each attribute analyzed, the conditions exist for the companies to redefine their structures, processes, prices, and service providers to reach their target customers.




Wollmann, D., Steiner, M. T. A., Vieira, G. E., & Steiner, P. A. (2014). Details of the analytic hierarchy process technique for the evaluation of health insurance companies. Producao, 24(3), 583–593.

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