Fungi belonging to genus Aspegillus are ubiquitous saprophytic microorganisms which are, in certain circumstances, responsible for clinical infections of respiratory tract in all poultry, particularly in young birds. In case of a lung form, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger and A. glaucus are the most frequently isolated fungi. In general, poultry is constantly exposed to these fungi in its environment. Predisposing factors, such as long exposition and highly contaminated environment and litter, high humidity in poultry houses, poor ventilation, malnutrition and stress, all contribute to clinical aspergillosis. Some geographic and seasonal regularities are observed in relation to the distribution of disease outbreaks. In this sense, cases of aspergillosis in our country were more frequently noted in wild areas located northern from the rivers Sava and Danube. Influence of some factors on the outbreak and spreading, as well as predominant clinical features of aspergillosis in poultry were investigated in this paper. Possible prophylactic and intervention measures were discussed. The occurrence of Aspergillus sp. in poultry was analyzed according to the clinical and laboratory investigations performed during the two selected years, 2000 and 2010. Widespread aspergillosis was noted in poultry flocks of different age, both in young and adult birds. During the years 2000 and 2010, acute aspergillosis was found in 12 and 16 commercial flocks of chickens and turkeys, respectively. Ocular infection with Aspergillus was determined in 10 day old broilers from two flocks. Aspergillus sp. was isolated from unhatched eggs (6.86%), litter (23.07%), environmental (36.17%) and hatchery swabs (3.85%). Besides the appropriate antifungal therapy, enforcement of proper sanitary-hygiene measures on poultry farms and hatcheries, as well as microbiological control of feed are considered essential for an efficient control of infection and its spreading.Gljivice iz roda Aspegillus su ubikvitarni saprofiti koji u odredjenim okolnostima mogu da izazovu respiratorne infekcije svih vrsta zivine, a narocito mladih kategorija. Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger i A. glaucus su najcesce izolovane vrste u formi plucne aspergiloze zivine. Zivina je u manjoj ili vecoj meri kontinuirano izlozena ovoj vrsti plesni u zivotnom okruzenju, pa razvoju klinicki manifestne aspergiloze doprinose visoka ekspozicija, tj. jaka kontaminiranost plesnima, visoka vlaznost u objektima, slaba ventilacija, neuhranjenost i stres. U radu je ispitivan uticaj pojedinih faktora na pojavu, rasirenost i klinicku formu aspergiloze kod zivine. Razmatrana je mogucnost kontrole bolesti uvodjenjem profilaktickih mera. Prisustvo Aspergillus sp. kod zivine je analizirano na osnovu rezultata klinickih i laboratorijskih ispitivanja izvrsenih u toku 2000. i 2010. godine. Rasirenost aspergiloze je konstatovana kod zivine u razlicitom uzrastu, od mladih kategorija pa do uzrasta postignute tehnoloske starosti. U toku 2010. godine aspergiloza zivine, kod pilica i curica registrovana je u akutnom toku u ukupno 16 jata, nesto vise nego u toku 2000. godine, kada je utvrdjeno 12 klinicki obolelih komercijalnih jata pilica i curica. Registrovan je slucaj infekcije na ocima u dva jata brojlerskih pilica u uzrastu od 10 dana. Mikoloskim kontrolama uzoraka neizlezenih pilica, prostirke, briseva sa povrsina iz objekata i inkubatora, Aspergillus sp. je izolovan u rasponu od 3,85% do 36,14 %. Za kontrolu sirenja infekcije od presudnog je znacaja primena sanitarno-higijenskih mera u objektima za smestaj zivine i inkubatorskim stanicama, kao i kontrola mikrobioloskog kvaliteta hrane.
Kapetanov, M., Potkonjak, D., Milanov, D., Stojanov, I., Zivkov-Balos, M., & Prunic, B. (2011). Investigation of dissemination of aspergillosis in poultry and possible control measures. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (120), 269–278.
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