• Suwandayani B
  • Kuncahyono
  • Ika Anggraini A
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This study aimed to examine the implementation pattern of the constructivist theory in limited face-to-face learning (PTMT). The method used was descriptive qualitative with the subject of teachers in the Malang City area. Data was collected by using a survey distributed online through Google Forms. The results showed that the implementation pattern ofconstructivist theory in limited face-to-face learning (PTMT) was carried out through 5 (five) base of learning implementation, namely the application of problem-based learning, the application of project-based learning, the use of digital-based teaching materials and media, the application of psychosocial learning and contextuallearning. Teachers carried out limited face-to-face learning by applying constructivist theory massively and gradually, starting from planning, the process of learning activities, and learning evaluation. In addition to the use of media and 5M learning models in this study, the application of constructivist theory in PTMT learning aimed to help students become more active and teachers as moderators be more innovative. Learning process carried out at the elementary school level was only 50 percent attendance at the maximum. The implementation of student-centered learning showed 45% was very good, 50% was good, 2.5% was good, 2.5% was not good. The results showed that the inhibiting factor for student-centered implementation was the limited duration of time in learning. On the other hand, there were also restrictions on interactions carried out in the classroom so that teachers experienced a decline in exploring the learning process. Keywords: constructivism theory. limited face-to-face learning, elementary school. References: Adiyono, A. 2021. Implementasi Pembelajaran: Peluang dan Tantangan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Muara Komam. 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Suwandayani, B. I., Kuncahyono, & Ika Anggraini, A. (2021). POLA IMPLEMENTASI TEORI KONSTRUKTIVISME PADA PEMBELAJARAN TATAP MUKA TERBATAS DI SEKOLAH DASAR. Taman Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-An, 5(2), 609–618. https://doi.org/10.30738/tc.v5i2.11472

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