There are many reasons for building. Let us begin with the history. For 150 years the Rhine crossed the Niederterasse (alluvial plane) with several arms, with a maximum depth of 30 m and a maximum width of about 6 km. During the low water period there were numerous is- lands (about 2000 between Basle and Mannheim), and during the high water period the whole area was under water, two or three times a year. There have always been two particular occasions when there is high water up to the present day: The Advents-Hochwasser (the flood of advent) and the flood of Pfingsten (Whitsun). This means: the first snow in the Alps melts during the first warm period before Christmas time, the melting water passes through the Lake of Constance (Boden- see) and fills, together with the rainfall in the Black Forest, the river Rhine. After springtime most of the snow melts in Switzerland, Austria and France The snow of the German part of the Alps melts during the first warm period. We await the next flood at the end of springtime, approximately during the middle of May. (...)
Armbruster, H. (2005). Some detection methods used for the storage reservoir at iffezheim, FRG. In Detection of Subsurface Flow Phenomena (pp. 499–509). Springer-Verlag.
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