Techniques of compartmental (efflux) and kinetic influx analyses with the radiotracer13NH4+ were used to examine the adaptation to hypoxia (15, 35, and 50% O2 saturation) of root N uptake and metabolism in 3-week-old hydroponically grown rice (Oryza sativa L., cv IR72) seedlings. A time-dependence study of NH4+ influx into rice roots after onset of hypoxia (15% O2) revealed an initial increase in the first 1 to 2.5 h after treatment imposition, followed by a decline to less than 50% of influx in control plants by 4 d. Efflux analyses conducted 0, 1, 3, and 5 d after the treatment confirmed this adaptation pattern of NH4+uptake. Half-lives for NH4+ exchange with subcellular compartments, cytoplasmic NH4+concentrations, and efflux (as percentage of influx) were unaffected by hypoxia. However, significant differences were observed in the relative amounts of N allocated to NH4+ assimilation and the vacuole versus translocation to the shoot. Kinetic experiments conducted at 100, 50, 35, and 15% O2 saturation showed no significant change in the Km value for NH4+ uptake with varying O2 supply. However, Vmax was 42% higher than controls at 50% O2 saturation, unchanged at 35%, and 10% lower than controls at 15% O2. The significance of these flux adaptations is discussed.
Kronzucker, H. J., Kirk, G. J. D., Yaeesh Siddiqi, M., & Glass, A. D. M. (1998). Effects of Hypoxia on 13NH4+Fluxes in Rice Roots1. Plant Physiology, 116(2), 581–587.
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