Firstly, we review simply the exoplanet transit events and introduce our ongoing optical wavelength project. Then, we present new photometric observations of the transiting planets (HAT-P-10b/WASP-11b, HAT-P-19b, WASP-43b, : : : ) using an 85-cm telescope of Xinglong Station of the National Astronomical Observatories of China in 2012. New transit curves are modeled using the JKTEBOP code and adopting the quadratic limb-darkening law. The preliminary parameters (the orbital inclination, relative radius : : : : : : ) of these star-planet systems are re-obtained. We also revise the ephemeris with a transit epoch and discuss a period change by the observed minimum minus calculated transit times. Finally, our future plans in China are given and discussed.
Zhang, L., & Pi, Q. (2015). Photometric and spectroscopic observations of exoplanet transit events. In Planetary Exploration and Science: Recent Results and Advances (pp. 279–289). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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