A confluence of technologies is changing the manner in which we approach the use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) in the marine environment. In this paper we review the role of several of these technologies and the way interactions between them will now enable the use of adaptive methodologies for mapping and exploring the underwater environment. We focus primarily on imaging sensors but these methodologies are widely applicable for other types of sensing modalities as well. We look at the role of acoustic telemetry, multi-hop underwater data transmission, in-situ machine learning techniques, and mapping in highly dynamic environments such as under sea ice. In addition, we discuss the role of “hobby” robotics for surface and aerial vehicles in the marine environment.
Sayre-McCord, R. T., Murphy, C., Kaeli, J., Kunz, C., Kimball, P., & Singh, H. (2017). Advances in platforms and algorithms for high resolution mapping in the marine environment. In Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (Vol. 474, pp. 89–119). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55372-6_5
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