Gula merupakan salah satu komoditas perdagangan penting pada masa kolonial Belanda. Hasil yang berlimpah tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan angkutan barang. Minimnya volume angkut dan lamanya waktu tempuh merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi pengusaha gula. Pengembangan moda transportasi kereta api menjadi jawaban atas permasalahan tersebut. Daya angkut besar dengan waktu tempuh yang lebih cepat menjadi kelebihannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguraikan peranan kereta api dalam pengangkutan gula ke pelabuhan di Karesidenan Cirebon. Metode yang dipergunakan, deskriptif analisis. Data dikumpulkan melalui kegiatan studi pustaka dan pengamatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, jalur kereta api di Karesidenan Cirebon merupakan bagian dari jalur Semarang – Cirebon yang dibangun oleh NV. SCS. Tinggalan perkeretaapian di jalur tersebut menunjukkan terdapat persimpangan ke pabrik gula dari stasiun terdekat. Kesimpulan, pembangunan perkeretaapian di Cirebon pada awalnya ditujukan sebagai angkutan komoditas gula. Sugar was one of the important trade commodities during the Dutch occupation. The abundant production of sugar disproportionated to the availability of freight transportation. Its consequences, the sugar company was hampered by both the low volumes and and the slow journey time of transported goods. As a result, the development of modes of transport was the solution needed. It would provide the solution based on the maximum payload and highest average speeds. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of railways in transporting sugar industry to the port in the Cirebon Residency. The research method used in the study is descriptive analysis. Research data were derived from library study, and field observations. The results of the study have shown that the railway line in Cirebon Residency was actually a part of the Semarang - Cirebon railway line built by NV. SCS. The disused railroad indicate clearly that there was an intersection to the sugar company from the nearest train station. It concluded that the railway construction in Cirebon was initially intended as the sugar transportation.
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HERMAWAN, I. (2020). KERETA API SCS: ANGKUTAN GULA DI CIREBON. Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research, 12(2), 195.