1st ed. 2016. Ch. 1. Mammalian Polysaccharides and Its Nanomaterials -- Ch. 2. Microbial Polysaccharides as Advance Nanomaterials -- Ch. 3. Chitosan Based Nanomaterials and Its Applications -- Ch. 4. Advance Polymers and Its Applications -- Ch. 5. Advanced Application of Natural Polysaccharides -- Ch. 6. Modern Polysaccharides and Its Current Advancements -- Ch. 7. Toxicity of Nanodrug Delivery Systems.
Bhatia, S. (2016). Advanced Application of Natural Polysaccharides. In Systems for Drug Delivery (pp. 147–170). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41926-8_5
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