ABSTRACT Globally, the incidence of Tuberculosis was still quite high, there were an estimated that 10 million people are infected with Tuberculosis and even 44% of cases are in Southeast Asia, Indonesia was in the 2nd position in the world after India and every year it is still increasing. Tuberculosis is transmitted through droplets of sufferers when coughing or sneezing, close contact is very vulnerable to the transmission process in addition to other supporting factors. This paper aims to review various sources regarding the risk factors for an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis. The method used was literature review sourced from the Google scholar, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest database as well as other sources such as textbooks and reports published in 2015 to 2020. The results of the literature review showed that most of the risk factors for the incidence of tuberculosis were a history of close contact, age, gender, lifestyle and behavior. Meanwhile, the factors that contribute to the increased risk are occupancy density, ventilation and house lighting, as well as factors for decreased immune system including nutritional status and comorbidities, although at the age of 0-5 years who have received BCG immunization, they were still susceptible to primary tuberculosis infection. Controlling the increased incidence of tuberculosis should be directed at preventing transmission, especially at the family level and close social contacts as well as increasing awareness of correct coughing and sputum behavior. Key words: risk factors; incidence; tuberculosis ABSTRAK Serara global angka insidensi Tuberkulosis dunia masih cukup tinggi, diperkirakan 10 juta orang terinfeksi tuberkulosis bahkan 44% kasus berada di Asia Tenggara, Indonesia pada posisi rangking ke-2 dunia setelah India dan setiap tahun masih meningkat. Tuberkulosis ditularkan melalui droplet penderita saat batuk atau bersin, kontak dekat menjadi sangat rentan terjadinya proses penularan disamping faktor-faktor lain yang menunjang. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengulas berbagai sumber mengenai faktor risiko peningkatan angka insidensi Tuberkulosis. Metode yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur yang bersumber dari database Google scholar, ScienceDirect, dan ProQuest selain itu juga sumber lainnya seperti buku ajar dan laporan yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2015 hingga 2020. Hasil tinjauan literatur menunjukkan sebagian besar faktor risiko angka insidensi Tuberkulosis adalah riwayat kontak erat, usia, jenis kelamin, gaya hidup dan perilaku. Sementara faktor yang menunjang peningkatan risiko adalah kepadatan hunian, ventilasi dan pencahayaan rumah, begitu pula faktor penurunan daya tahan tubuh meliputi status gizi dan penyakit penyerta, walaupun pada usia 0-5 tahun yang telah mendapatkan imunisasi BCG, namun masih rentan terinfeksi Tuberkulosis primer. Hendaknya pengendalaian peningkatan insidensi Tuberkulosis diarahkan pada pencegahan penularan khususnya di tingkat keluarga dan kontak sosial dekat serta peningkatan kesadaran perilaku batuk dan membuang dahak yang benar. Kata kunci: Faktor risiko; insidensi; tuberkulosis
Pramono, J. S. (2021). LITERATURE REVIEW: RISK FACTORS OF INCREASING TUBERCULOSIS INCIDENCE. Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED (Pharmacist, Analyst, Nurse, Nutrition, Midwivery, Environment, Dentist), 16(1), 106–113. https://doi.org/10.36911/pannmed.v16i1.1006
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