This paper proposes a way of using data collected from tracking gps installed in rental tourist cars. Data has been collected during more than one year. The gps positions are lined to the gps positions of the tourist sites (restaurants, beaches, museums ⋯). [9] These links are presented as a summary of the data. This summary is used to run specific versions of machine learning algorithms because of their geo-graphical dimension. This experiment shows how gps summaries of data can be used to extract relationships between stops of a car and touristic places. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013.
Elisabeth, E., Nock, R., & Célimène, F. (2013). Demonstrator of a tourist recommendation system. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 8302 LNCS, pp. 171–175).
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