The author reviews and extends some of his recent work on Hopfalgebras and Galois extension over fields. The first sectionreviews the Hopf algebra forms of group rings kG with\vert {\rm Aut}(G)\vert =2 of R. Haggenmuller and the author[\Cite{Haggenmuller86:Hopf:121--136}[87e:16026]Manuscripta Math.55 (1986), no. 2, 121 136; MR 87e:16026], a result which exploitsthe identification of the cohomology group H\sp 1(K/k,\underline{\rm Aut}(H)) as k forms of a Hopf algebra H andas forms of Galois extensions of k with Galois group{\rm Aut}(H). This result is extended in Section 4 to the casewhere H=kC\sb 5, {\rm Aut}(H)=C\sb 4, where various openquestions about Hopf algebra forms of group rings and theirrepresentation theory are also raised. After a review of HopfGalois extensions and principal homogeneous spaces in Section 2,the third section reviews the work of C. Greither and the author[\Cite{Greither87:Hopf:239--258}[88i:12006]J. Algebra 106 (1987),no. 1, 239 258; MR 88i:12006] on Hopf Galois structures onseparable field extensions, and in the final section the authorextends a result of the reviewer[\Cite{Childs89:Hopf:809--825}[90g:12003]Comm. Algebra 17 (1989),no. 4, 809 825; MR 90g:12003] to show that for a separable fieldextension K/k of prime degree p, with normal closure K',K/k is H Galois for some k Hopf algebra H if and only if{\rm Gal}(K'/k) is solvable, in which case H is the uniquek Hopf algebra making K/k Galois.\par {For the entirecollection see MR\Cite{Balcerzyk90:Topics:PWN---Polish}[93a:00023].}
Pareigis, B. (1990). Forms of Hopf algebras and Galois theory. Banach Center Publications, 26(1), 75–93.
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