Propagation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in geological conductors

  • Fritsch V
  • Barsis A
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Propagation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fi elds in condu cting spaces has bee n t h e s ubject of extens ive t heoretical investigations . Still, t he knowl edge gained can not a lways be applied directly to propagation in the upper s trata of the ear th. The reason for this is t hat these strata consist of geological conductors whi ch are a rranged in a complicated way. One can, of course, give specified valucs of conductivit y and dielectric constant for geological con du ctors, and apply these to s ubsequent calculations. But most t heoretical investigations a pply either to homogeneo us s paces or to spaces having an electrically simple s tructure. However,the electrical s tructurc of the spaces occupied by geological condu ctors is a lmost a lways very co mplicated. If t his fact is not taken into account suffi ciently, one can never obtain agreeme nt between experimenta l r es ults a nd theoretical calcul ations. The aut hor, who has. been d ealil.1g wit ~ t hese problems for m~ny years, is try in g he re to prov ide a survey of t he mh erent dlfficultlCs due to the compllCated stru cture of geological conducto r ~. AI ~houg h t he pertinent factors have been only ve ry inadeq uately investigated up to now, it IS hoped t hat further investigations can be stimulated by t his discussion.




Fritsch, V., & Barsis, A. P. (1963). Propagation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in geological conductors. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Section D: Radio Propagation, 67D(2), 161.

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