Quantum Computer: Hello, Music!

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Quantum computing is emerging as a promising technology, which is built on the principles of subatomic physics. In spite of the continuous progress in the development of increasingly more sophisticated hardware and software, research in quantum computing has been focusing primarily on developing scientific applications. Up till now, there has been virtually no research activity aimed at widening the range of applications of this technology beyond science and engineering in particular applications for the entertainment industry and creative economies. This chapter introduces a new field of research, which we refer to as Quantum Computer Music. The research is aimed at the development of quantum computing tools and approaches to creating, performing, listening to and distributing music. Two examples of preliminary work combing quantum computing and music technology are presented: a singing voice synthesizer and a musical sequencer. A primer on quantum computing is also given.




Miranda, E. R. (2021). Quantum Computer: Hello, Music! In Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music: Foundations, Advanced Approaches, and Developments for Creativity (pp. 963–994). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72116-9_34

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