Separation of iodide, bromide, and chloride from one another and their subsequent determination

  • Murphy T
  • Clabaugh W
  • Gilchrist R
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A m ethod is described fo r ~e]Jarat in g iod id e, b romid e, a nd chl o ride from one a not he r . First. th e iodid e ion is ox idi zed to eleme n tary iod ine b y h yd roge n p er oxide ill weak lv acid so lutio n a nd t he iodin e re mo ved b.v d istillat io n. Kext, bron Jide is oxidi zed to bro mine \~itho u t a fl.'c ct in g t he c hlorid e ion by use of a co nt roll ed con cen t rat ion of ni t ric a cid as ox id iz in g a ge n t . Af to r re mo va l o f bro llllll e b .v dlst dl a tlon , c hl o l'ld e re ma In s II1 t he reS Idu a l so lu t ion . D ete rmin a ti o n of th e indi v! du a l ha lid es depe nds on th e qu a n t ity of eac h. If in t race am oll n ts, a t lll'b id im et ri c m et hod is used; iF in larger a mo un ts, p otent io met l'l c t itr ation \\' ith s il ve r nit rat e is Ii sed. A d escript io n o f t he apparat us IIsed is a lso give n .




Murphy, T. J., Clabaugh, W. S., & Gilchrist, R. (1954). Separation of iodide, bromide, and chloride from one another and their subsequent determination. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 53(1), 13.

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