Eleven billion microplastic particles are entangled in coral reef ecosystems in the Asia - Pacific Region. The presence of microplastics in coral reef ecosystems in Indonesia, especially in the Karimunjawa Marine National Park, was found as many as 22.7 and 12.8 particles / kilogram samples in two locations. The presence of microplastics in coral reef ecosystems allows threats to the health of coral reefs. Therefore, the importance of this study is to complement the data on the distribution of microplastics in the Karimunjawa Marine National Park as an initial step for conservation and mitigation of the impact of plastic/ microplastic pollution. Sampling using purposive sampling method. Sediment collection using SCUBA set and sediment grab at a depth of 3 - 5 meters. ± 1000 g of sediment was taken and stored in double zip lock plastic. The samples were then analyzed by microplastics in the Tropical Marine Biotechnology Laboratory, FPIK UNDIP. The results showed that the greatest abundance of microplastics was in the Karang Tengah area with the number of microplastics 96 particles / kilogram, and the farthest in the Ujung Gelam and Lego was 11 particles / kilogram. Research shows that the abundance of microplastics in areas with human activities such as tourism, ports, and boat routes has a high abundance compared to conservation areas or areas with little human activity. It is hoped that the available data from this type of research will be able to produce decisions on conservation measures in Karimunjawa Marine National Park. Sebelas miliar partikel mikroplastik terjerat pada ekosistem terumbu karang di Kawasan Asia – Pasifik. Keberadaan mikroplastik pada ekosistem terumbu karang di Indonesia, khususnya di Taman Nasional Laut Karimunjawa, ditemukan sebanyak 22,7 dan 12,8 partikel/kilogram sampel di dua lokasi. Keberadaan mikroplastik di ekosistem terumbu karang memungkinkan adanya ancaman terhadap kesehatan terumbu karang. Oleh karena itu pentingnya penelitian ini untuk melengkapi data sebaran mikroplastik di Kawasan Taman Nasional Laut Karimunjawa sebagai langkah awal konservasi dan mitigasi dari dampak polusi plastik/mikroplastik. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengambilan sedimen menggunakan SCUBA set dan sediment grab pada kedalaman 3 – 5 meter. Sedimen diambil ± 1000 gr dan disimpan dalam plastik double zip lock. Sampel kemudian dianalisis mikroplastik di laboratorium Tropical Marine Biotechnology, FPIK UNDIP. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar pada daerah karang tengah dengan jumlah mikroplastik 96 partikel/kilogram, dan terkecil pada perairan ujung gelam dan lego yaitu sebanyak 11 partikel/kilogram. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik didaerah dengan aktivitas manusia seperti pariwisata, pelabuhan, dan jalur kapal memiliki kelimpahan tinggi dibanding dengan daerah konservasi atau daerah dengan aktivitas manusia yang kecil. diharapkan dengan data yang tersedia dari penelitian sejenis ini, mampu menghasilkan keputusan terhadap langkah konservasi di Taman Nasional Laut Karimunjawa.
Muchlissin, S. I., Widyananto, P. A., Sabdono, A., & Radjasa, O. K. (2020). Kelimpahan Mikroplastik Pada Sedimen Ekosistem Terumbu di Taman Nasional Laut Karimunjawa. Jurnal Kelautan Tropis, 24(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.14710/jkt.v24i1.9865
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