Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) terletak pada koordinat 6° 43’51.84” LS dan 112° 09’19.84” BT berada di Blok Bawean. Fasilitas FSO adalah tanker pengangkut dan penyimpan crude oil dengan kapasitas 900.000 barrel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui parameter kualitas air laut di FSO Challenger semester II 2018 (2) mengevaluasi kecenderungan dan tingkat kekritisan kualitas air laut di FSO Challenger tahun 2015-2018. Lokasi penelitian pada bagian Up stream dan Down stream FSO Challenger, parameter yang diuji yaitu kekeruhan, TSS, suhu, pH, BOD5, N-NH3, lemak dan minyak (grease and oil), dan N-NO3. Pengambilan sampel kualitas air laut dilakukan secara langsung, Sampel air laut yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan pengujian sesuai metode yang mengacu pada peraturan yang berlaku sesuai izin lingkungan no.02.85.12 tahun 2014. Sampel hasil analisis laboratorium dibandingkan dengan baku mutu sesuai Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 51 Tahun 2004. Hasil analisis labolatorium kualitas air laut yaitu kekeruhan kisaran <0,40 – 0,60 NTU, TSS <1,6 – 3,6 mg/L, BOD5 9,3 – 11,1 mg/L, N-NH3 <0,03 mg/L, lemak dan minyak (grease dan oil) <0,2 mg/L, N-NO3 < 0,006 mg/L, suhu 31,2 – 31,7°C, serta pH 8,01 – 8,17. Kecenderungan tingkat kekritisan kualitas air laut di FSO Challenger yang fluktuatif mengakibatkan dampak terhadap kualitas air laut sekitar FSO Challenger. Pengawasan kualitas dari air laut di sekitar FSO Challenger dengan pengolahan air terproduksi yang di setting kembali di slope tank dan dialirkan ke separator, pengelolaan pada air pendingin dengan mengatur debit maksimum dan pengoperasian sistem secara kontinyu.ABSTRACTFloating Storage and Offloading (FSO) is located at coordinates 6° 43'51.84” South Latitude and 112° 09'19.84” East Longitude is in the Bawean Block. The FSO facility is a crude oil carrier and storage tanker with a capacity of 900,000 barrels. This study aims to (1) determine the parameters of sea water quality in FSO Challenger in the second semester of 2018 (2) find the potential and criticality of sea water quality in FSO Challenger in 2015-2018. The research location is in the Upstream and Downstream sections of the FSO Challenger, the parameters tested are turbidity, TSS, temperature, pH, BOD5, N-NH3, grease and oil (grease and oil), and N-NO3. Sampling of seawater quality is carried out directly. The seawater samples obtained are then tested based on methods that refer to applicable regulations according to environmental permits no. 02.85.12 of 2014. Samples from laboratory analysis are compared with quality standards according to Decree of the Minister of the Environment Number 51 of 2004. The results of laboratory analysis of sea water are turbidity in the range of <0.40 – 0.60 NTU, TSS <1.6 – 3.6 mg/L, BOD5 9.3 – 11.1 mg/L, N- NH3 <0.03 mg/L, fats and oils (grease and oil) <0.2 mg/L, N-NO3 < 0.006 mg/L, temperature 31.2 – 31.7°C, and pH 8.01 – 8.17. The level of criticality of sea water quality in FSO Challenger which fluctuates has an impact on sea water quality around FSO Challenger. Monitoring the quality of seawater around the Challenger FSO by treating the produced water which is set back in the slope tank and into the separator, managing the air conditioner by adjusting the maximum flowrate and operating the system continuously.
Patimah, A. S., Murti, S. H., & Prsaetya, A. (2022). Dampak Penurunan Kualitas Air Laut Dari Kegiatan Operasi Floating Storage and Offlaoding (FSO) Challenger Lepas Pantai Blok Bawean. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 20(3), 484–493. https://doi.org/10.14710/jil.20.3.484-493
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