Introduction. Quality assurance of aviation engineering service leadership qualification improvement is one of the most important factor of wrecklessness and high effectiveness of aviation application. Under conditions of aviation units rearming to new (modernized) aviation equipment, and therefore moving on to a new system of aviation specialists qualification improvement, first of all leaders of aviation engineering service, the contradiction between the objective need of supplementary vocational education practice in high quality assurance qualification improvement and insufficient development of methodical and technological support of the process is not removed. To solve the contradiction is the problem of the research. Materials and methods. 110 aviation engineering service leadership officers of Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force “N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” (Voronezh), the branch of MESC AF “N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” (Cheliabinsk), Chkalov State Center of Aviation Personnel Training and Military Testing of the Russian Ministry of Defence (Lipetsk Flight Center) are involved into the ascertaining and formative experiment. In the context of theoretical and methodological justification of the problem conceptual and terminological analysis is used. The results of the empirical evidence are based upon pedagogical observations, expert evaluation methods, self-estimation, comparative characterization, comparison of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, mathematical statistics (Pearson's χ2 test). Research result. The organization of the educational process is implemented from the viewpoint of personality and competency components which make up the integral characteristics of professional development of an officer of aviation engineering service leadership. As a result, the authors' approach to the problem solving allows to increase significantly the level of quality of aviation engineering service leadership qualification improvement in the supplementary vocational education system. Discussion and conclusion. The authors consider the problem solving of the quality assurance of the educational process as enriching its content with purposeful involving of personal component through methods, forms, means which promote system and prognostic thinking development influencing the effectiveness of making management decisions and improving personal features of an aviation engineering service leadership officer that allow to do the duty at high level.
Volynkina, N. V., & Solohin, A. V. (2020). Ways and means of quality assurance of aviation engineering service leadership qualification improvement in the supplementary vocational education system. Perspektivy Nauki i Obrazovania. LLC Ecological Help.
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