Manpower support for digital technology implementation processes in industrial enterprises

ISSN: 22498958
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Today’s rapid advances in digital technology are resulting in a transformation of the future labor market. Given the ever-increasing use of digital technology, the resolving of complex production objectives may well result in job cuts, changes in personnel requirements, and new areas of activity emerging as a result of digital transformations. Issues related to manpower support for the implementation of digital technology are setting new objectives not only in terms of fostering the competencies of the future but also in terms of organizing a business and training and retraining a workforce at the level of both the industrial sector and the national economy at large.The paper describes some of the new trends in the labor market associated with job robotization and analyzes a set of factors influencing the rate of workforce engagement in the robotized production process. The authors suggest that boosts in entrepreneurial activity in light of the extensive implementation of digital technology in production are associated with not so much job cuts due to automation as with new vistas of opportunity that the digital era is offering. The paper explores the role played by the state in resolving the objectives of ensuring social stability in a climate of the digitalization of the economy. The authors highlight some of the key skills that representatives of “high-risk” occupations may need to acquire nowadays. This may help design appropriate educational strategies aimed at guarding this group of workers from the undesired effects of production digitalization.




Golubev, S. S., Volkov, V. I., Shcherbakov, A. G., Sekerin, V. D., & Gorokhova, A. E. (2019). Manpower support for digital technology implementation processes in industrial enterprises. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(3), 414–420.

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