Community service activities in Cintaratu Pangandaran Village were carried out as an initial program to find out and map the things needed by people of Cintaratu Village in terms of health information, especially information about JKN-KIS PBI (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional-Kartu Indonesia Sehat-Penerima Bantuan Iuran). Researchers want to see how information related to JKN-KIS PBI is obtained and understood by the people. This activity was carried out for about four weeks using three different methods, namely the survey method, focus group discussion (FGD), and observation. The results of this community service showed that the distribution of information and data in Cintaratu Village regarding JKN-KIS PBI is generally less transparent. The population data used by the central government as the basis for determining aid has been out of date so that aid has not been well-targeted. The people of Cintaratu Village got health information about JKN-KIS PBI by relying on opinion leaders, namely village officers, midwives, and health cadres. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Cintaratu Pangandaran dilakukan sebagai program awal untuk mengetahui dan memetakan hal-hal yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat desa khususnya informasi seputar JKN-KIS PBI (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional-Kartu Indonesia Sehat-Penerima Bantuan Iuran). Peneliti ingin melihat bagaimana informasi-informasi terkait JKN-KIS PBI didapat dan dipahami oleh masyarakat Desa Cintaratu. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama empat pekan menggunakan tiga metode yang berbeda yaitu metode survei, focus group discussion (FGD) dan observasi. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa distribusi informasi di Desa Cintaratu seputar JKN-KIS PBI secara umum kurang transparan. Data penduduk yang digunakan pemerintah pusat sebagai dasar penetapan bantuan telah kedaluwarsa sehingga bantuan menjadi tidak tepat sasaran. Masyarakat Desa Cintaratu mendapatkan informasi kesehatan seputar JKN-KIS PBI mengandalkan opinion leader yaitu aparat desa/dusun/RW/RT, bidan dan kader kesehatan.
Masrina, D., Arifin, H. S., & Fuady, I. (2021). Distribusi Data dan Informasi JKN-KIS PBI di Desa Cintaratu Kabupaten Pangandaran. Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 2(2), 129–139.
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