Organizing good quality services to provide student satisfaction can be obtained by providing good administrative services. The title of this research is "The Influence of Administrative Service Quality on Student Satisfaction at SMAN 1 PunggurLampung Tengah". The purpose of this researchis to find data and information regarding how much quality of administrative services can influence on student satisfaction at SMAN 1 Punggur Lampung Tengah.The purpose of this research was to find the effect of qualityadministrative services on student satisfaction of SMAN 1 Punggur, Lampung Tengah partially. Satisfaction for students is the study of the problems in this reseach. This research method uses an explanatory survey method. The population in this study amounted to 70 students with a research sample of 60 students. Data collected by using a questionnaire with the sampling technique in this study using simple random sampling. Quantitative analysis in this study will be used to test the validity and reliability test with product moment. To test the hypothesis in this research is by using simple regression. The results of data analysis show that: (1) Service quality administration has a significant effect on student satisfaction partially, obtained diperoleh Fvalue> Fttable that is 8.361> 1.671, at a significant level of 5%. With a correlation level of 0.739, if it is formulated in a percentage it would be 54.7%. So the contribution of the quality of administrative services to student satisfaction of SMAN 1 Pungur is 54.7% and the remaining 45.3% is influenced by other variables besides the variables in this research.
Mulyono, J. (2022). PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 PUNGGUR KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH (Studi Kasus Kelas Unggulan 12 IPA dan 12 IPS). Jurnal Tapis: Jurnal Teropong Aspirasi Politik Islam, 18(1), 53–65.
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