In the fast lifestyle of today where work and learning consumes most of people's time. We through this paper look forward to providing further convenience to people through automated locking of house doors on detecting no person inside the house. This will ease pressure on the mind to lock or unlock the gate and carry keys or keep track of the digital system installed in the required events of leaving home or coming back. We recommend a thermal camera along with artificial intelligence means to detect humans inside the house and take action accordingly. If no human is found inside the house and no member(s) are facing the door then lock doors immediately. System of face detection and recognition of member(s) to unlock the house in the event of returning or going back inside the house is to be incorporated as well.
Dey*, A., & Jain, S. (2020). Automated Locking based on Thermal Camera and Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(6), 1437–1443.
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