Spiritual and Practical Factors of the Institution of Elections and Electoral Law Reforms in Uzbekistan

  • et al.
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The article discusses the history of the development of the electoral process and the electoral legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The authors analyzed the ideas, teachings of thinkers and scientists about elections. Attention is also paid to foreign experience. It is emphasized that elections have a symbolic meaning, being the main means of legitimizing power in a democratic state. The purpose of the study is a socio-philosophical study of the essence of mass consciousness in a democratized modern society. New legislation on elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan is considered.




Abdurashidovna*, M. F., Duysenbaevna, K. E., … Dilfuza, I. (2020). Spiritual and Practical Factors of the Institution of Elections and Electoral Law Reforms in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 232–238. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.a4132.039520

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