Abstract. This research discussed about self-adjustment of single parent mother wholives in South Sulawesi Indonesia. The aim of the research was to obtain a descriptionabout self-adjustment of single parent mother in Indonesia, including: respondentcharacteristic, respondents intellectual maturity, respondents emotional, respondentssocial maturity and respondents responsibility. The research method used quantitaivemethod with descriptive approach. Data collection technique used questionnaire. Themeasurement toll used rating scale to show the mean score of all question from rangeone through four. The validity test of measurement toll conducted through face validityand realibity test used Alpha Cronbach. The result was analysed through quantitaiveanalysis. The result showed that single parent mother has low self adjustment viewedfrom three of four aspects which was measured about self adjustment namely;intellectual maturity and responsibility belong to the low category. While the emotionalmaturity aspect is in the high category. The results of needs analysis show the mother asa single parent requires knowledge and insight as a single parent, time managementability and socialization ability. Based on the need, a program called "Self Help Group"was proposed to improve single parent mothers adjustment. The program aimed tomeet the increasing adjustment of single parent mother on aspects of intellectualmaturity (mother insight as single parent), social maturity (socialization ability),responsibility (time management ability.Keywords: self adjustment, single parent.
Sundayani, Y., Koswara, H., & Qadriansyah, -. (2017). Self Adjustment of Single Parent Mother In South Sulawesi - Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Social Work, 1(1), 76–94. https://doi.org/10.31595/international.v1i1.6
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