This project implements IoT, machine learning, and cloud computation to devise an extensive monitoring system for regular domestic appliances. The system is voice-controlled and supports regional languages. This project has five main sub-parts—secure door locking/unlocking system, intensive fire and gas alarm system for notifying the user in case of any gas leak or fire mishap, auto-adjustable temperature monitoring system for maintaining an optimum room temperature, intelligent water tap control system, and smart room lighting system which automatically switches on the room lights in the presence of any person especially when light entering through the windows is insufficient. The entire system is controlled by a central brain that uses predefined dataset with an alternative option for manual override. It also provides the features of speech recognition through ANN and various language models for multilingual operations. There are options for voice/video calls and separate user-admin and guest session logs.
Banerjee, T., Chowdhury, P., Ghosal, S., Saha, S. K., & Bandyopadhayay, R. (2020). An integrated domestic sensing and control system with supervisory check and real-time data acquisition. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 1112, pp. 645–657). Springer.
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