Abstract: The Concept of Joint Assets and its Implementation in the Religious Court. Legislation in Indonesia stipulates that any property acquired during marriage becomes joint property of husband and wife, without distinguishing who works and who registered the property. If the marriage come to an ends, either through death or divorce, the property must be divided equally. In general, this study found that a panel of judges in the religious court division decided a case of the distribution of joint property is not outside of the statutory rules. Since no agreement or reconciliation had been made by the husband and wife in dispute about the portion of the division of their property, the judge decided that the joint property be divided in the same amount. However, if there is an agreement between husband and wife, the division of the joint property will be based on that agreement.Keywords: community property, Compilation of Islamic Law, judgment, Court of Religion.Abstrak: Konsep Harta Bersama dan Implementasinya di Pengadilan Agama. Perundang-undangan di Indonesia mengatur bahwa setiap harta yang diperoleh selama perkawinan dijadikan sebagai harta bersama suami isteri, tanpa membedakan siapa yang bekerja dan harta itu terdaftar atas nama siapa. Apabila perkawinan itu berakhir, baik karena kematian maupun karena perceraian, maka harta tersebut harus dibagi dua sama banyak nilainya. Penelitian ini menemukan data bahwa secara umum majelis hakim Pengadilan Agama dalam memutuskan perkara pembagian harta bersama tidak keluar dari aturan perundang-undangan tersebut. Selama tidak ada kesepakatan atau perdamaian yang dibuat oleh suami dan isteri yang bersengketa tentang porsi pembagian harta bersama, majelis hakim memutuskan harta bersama tersebut dibagi sama banyak. Namun, apabila terdapat kesepakatan antara suami dan isteri, pembagian harta bersama didasarkan atas kesepakatan yang mereka buat.Kata Kunci: harta bersama, Kompilasi Hukum Islam, putusan hakim, Pengadilan AgamaDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v12i1.980
Mesraini, M. (2014). Konsep Harta Bersama dan Implementasinya di Pengadilan Agama. AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.15408/ajis.v12i1.980
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