Investment in agrophotovoltaics: Efficient solutions from Switzerland

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The agrophotovoltaics innovative technology (APV) is a staged culture that combines photovoltaic power generation and agricultural production on the same land. The coexistence of solar panels and crops implies a sharing system of sunshine between these two types of production. It opens new horizons by making drylands cultivable while producing clean energy for local populations. APV lies at the heart of a global energy transformation, increasing world energy demand, negative global warming effects, and global water scarcity, and offers a promising investment to farmers and new opportunities for ecologically sustainable livelihoods. As a renewable energy investment, it meets the sustainability demand by reducing climate concerns but it also opens the door to significant socioeconomic benefits. However, the final outcome of the investment depends on government policies, environmental conditions, technical progress and what materials are used in solar power systems. This paper answers three questions: Why is the agrophotovoltaics an important technology today? What are the advantages and disadvantages of agrophotovoltaics use? And what are the economic risks related to this kind of investments? By analyzing Penthéréaz solar panels power generation example in Switzerland, the research illustrates the success factors to the investment and inherently provides recommendations regarding future investments.




Benghida, D., & Sabrina, B. (2019). Investment in agrophotovoltaics: Efficient solutions from Switzerland. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 61–64.

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