Entrepreneurial activity as an important factor in the development of the "green" economy

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Organic production as a global trend in progressive socio-economic development and the guarantor of the food and environmental security of countries and regions is becoming an attractive field for entrepreneurs. However, in Russia, only a few entrepreneurs currently consider organic production as the main type of business. The article analyses the factors that favour and impede the development of entrepreneurship in the field of organic agriculture and substantiates the basic mechanisms to encourage entrepreneurship in organic production. The results of the analysis can be used in the development and implementation of regulatory policies on entrepreneurial activity in organic agriculture. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the mechanisms of entrepreneurial activity and the organizational and economic prerequisites for the development of organic agriculture in Russia. The basic objectives include the development of mechanisms to stimulate entrepreneurial activity in the organic production sector, as well as the socio-economic assessment of the effectiveness of organic agriculture in the context of the formation and development of a "green" economy.




Voronkova, O., Antonov, S., Lamanov, E., Sterlikov, F., Shafranskaya, C., & Yashin, D. (2019). Entrepreneurial activity as an important factor in the development of the “green” economy. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 2492–2496. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.A4633.119119

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