This study assessed executive functions and inhibitory control in alcohol and crack users, as previous research suggests an association between substance-related disorders and impaired self-regulation and impulse control. In this study, 67 men aged 18-65 years completed the following instruments: sociodemographic questionnaire, Vocabulary and Matrix Reasoning (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence), Five Digit Test, and Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome. Alcohol and crack users showed deficits involving processing speed, response inhibition, flexibility, abstraction, planning, and monitoring. Analysis per type of drug revealed poorer cognitive performance among alcohol users. Years of drug use were associated with planning deficits. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis of an association between drug abuse and cognitive changes. In conclusion, impairments in executive functioning and inhibitory control were found in the study samples.***Avaliação das funções executivas e controle inibitório nos transtornos por uso de álcool e crack***Este estudo investigou as funções executivas e o controle inibitório em usuários de álcool e crack, pois pesquisas prévias sugerem associação entre os transtornos relacionados a substâncias e o comprometimento das capacidades de autorregulação e de controle dos impulsos. Neste estudo, 67 homens com idades entre 18-65 anos responderam aos seguintes instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico, Vocabulário e Raciocínio Matricial (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence), Five Digit Test e Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome. Os usuários de álcool e crack apresentaram déficits envolvendo velocidade de processamento, inibição de respostas, flexibilidade, abstração, planejamento e monitoramento. A análise por droga de abuso revelou desempenho cognitivo inferior entre os alcoolistas. O tempo de abuso de drogas foi associado a déficits de planejamento. Esses achados são consistentes com a hipótese de associação do abuso de drogas com alterações cognitivas. Em conclusão, foram observadas alterações do funcionamento executivo e do controle inibitório nas amostras de usuários avaliadas.This study assessed executive functions and inhibitory control in alcohol and crack users, as previous research suggests an association between substance-related disorders and impaired self-regulation and impulse control. In this study, 67 men aged 18-65 years completed the following instruments: sociodemographic questionnaire, Vocabulary and Matrix Reasoning (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence), Five Digit Test, and Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome. Alcohol and crack users showed deficits involving processing speed, response inhibition, flexibility, abstraction, planning, and monitoring. Analysis per type of drug revealed poorer cognitive performance among alcohol users. Years of drug use were associated with planning deficits. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis of an association between drug abuse and cognitive changes. In conclusion, impairments in executive functioning and inhibitory control were found in the study samples.Este estudio investigó las funciones ejecutivas y el control inhibitorio en usuários de alcohol y crack, ya que estudios anteriores sugieren una asociación entre las adicciones y alteraciones de las capacidades de auto-regulación y control de los impulsos. En este estudio, 67 hombres con edades entre 18-65 años respondieron a los siguientes instrumentos: cuestionario sociodemográfico, Vocabulario, Matriz de Razonamiento, Test de Los Cinco Dígitos y Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome. Usuarios de alcohol y crack presentaron déficits de velocidad de procesamiento, inhibición de respuestas, flexibilidad, abstracción, planificación y monitoramiento. El análisis por droga de abuso mostró menor rendimiento cognitivo entre los alcohólicos. El tiempo de abuso de drogas se asoció con déficit de planificación. Estos resultados son consistentes con la hipótesis de la asociación del abuso de drogas con deterioro cognitivo. En conclusión, fueram observadas alteraciones del funcionamiento ejecutivo y del control inhibitorio en las muestras evaluadas.
Czermainski, F. R., Ornell, F., Guimarães, L. S. P., Kessler, F., Von Diemen, L., & De Almeida, R. M. M. (2018). Assessment of executive functions and inhibitory control in alcohol and crack use disorders. Psico, 49(1), 21–30.
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