Transposable elements (TEs) have been considered traditionally as junk DNA, i.e., DNA sequences that despite representing a high proportion of genomes had no evident cellular functions. However, over the last decades, it has become undeniable that not only TE-derived DNA sequences have (and had) a fundamental role during genome evolution, but also TEs have important implications in the origin and evolution of many genomic disorders. This concise review provides a brief overview of the different types of TEs that can be found in genomes, as well as a list of techniques and methods used to study their impact and mobilization. Some of these techniques will be covered in detail in this Method Book.
Muñoz-Lopez, M., Vilar-Astasio, R., Tristan-Ramos, P., Lopez-Ruiz, C., & Garcia-Pérez, J. L. (2016). Study of transposable elements and their genomic impact. In Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 1400, pp. 1–19). Humana Press Inc.
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